Sunday, October 23, 2011

No battle report but some Dreadfleet pics

Welllll............ I was going to write my battle report today about my lil game against the Deathguard but it was reallllly hot today.

The hotness is relevant as my PC is in my bedroom which has no air con but my painting desk is in the lounge room right underneath the air con!

So instead of typing in the heat, I painted some water in the nice cool air.

These are the bases for the Kracken and the High Elf ship and dragon. I am going to see which turns out better then enter the best one in a painting competition in my local GW store this weekend. I'm hoping the elf ship will turn out awesome as I am going to do some colour transition wet blending on the sails.

I will write battle report in my lunch break at work tomorrow in the nice cool office.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We interupt your scheduled broadcast for.....

Well I have done no Warhammer this week just past. :(
No painting as my light above my painting desk blew up
No playing as I was sick and/or at work or college. Boo!
I did get to go to a really fun Medical themed goth night club.

I made some awesome cuts on myself for it and then wrote a tutorial about it here.

Here is my licking my wounds Bwhahaha!
Seriously tho that fake blood is mint flavour!

Back to Warhammer in my next post as my friend came and changed my light on Sunday and I am going into the city GW to smash some Iron Warriors on Thursday night Woo!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fleet of Dread - Why do you want dreadfleet?

(Here are my nautical babies WIP)
I have seen a few reviews about Dreadfleet. Some good some bad.
Most where the person has actually purchased it they are great things to say about it.
I am the same.

I pre ordered it and was a bit excited but also a bit 'hmm it's expensive and what if it only comes with crap or is annoying to play' Luckily I only really wanted it so I could paint cute boats and particularly the robot squid.

Imagine my surprise when I opened it and there was tons of stuff in there!
The cloth you play on is awesome and there are cards and dice and rules an all that.

Then the models! They are awesome! I am so excited to paint them. The ships are well designed and fit together really well. The terrain is clever and interesting.

I haven't played or read the rules yet so I can't really comment on that.

My only compliant was that the instructions to built stuff are in the side of the inside box, that was a weird place and I didn't notice till I was half way done and built one thing wrong.

A testament to it's coolness (at least that of the models) is my friend Luke, long time gamer and commission painter. He was saying 'err Holly why did you buy that it's crap and blah blah'
Well one of his customers asked him to build and paint their dreadfleet models. Now he is using the money he is getting from doing that to buy his own! Hah! told him it was cool!

It's been great seeing some other peoples painted ships, hopefully I can continue on mine after I fix the light above my painting desk :(